-=  Facta & Verba  =-

Commentary Cons. Phil. Book 5 Prosa 6

Prosa 6

Divine knowledge sees from the vantage point of eternity and thus knows all that has happened and will happen without impeding freedom of human voluntary action.

section 1
paulo ante: 5P4.24.

section 2
Deum: Deum . . . esse: accusative/infinitive, subject of est.
esse: Deum . . . esse: accusative/infinitive, subject of est.

section 4
ex collatione: "from comparison."

section 5
crastinum: crastinum . . . hesternum: sc. spatium; "tomorrow's . . . yesterday's."
hesternum: crastinum . . . hesternum: sc. spatium; "tomorrow's . . . yesterday's."

section 6
Aristoteles: De Caelo 283b.26ff.

section 7
licet: take closely with infinitae.
futura: futura . . . transacta: "things to come . . . things past."
transacta: futura . . . transacta: "things to come . . . things past."

section 8
pariter: "equally, all at once."
idque: idque . . . assistere . . . habere: accusative/infinitive after necesse est.
assistere: idque . . . assistere . . . habere: accusative/infinitive after necesse est. assistere: "to be present/at hand."
infinitatem: infinitatem . . . habere: Though time is full of motion and boundless, it is nonetheless seen from the point of view of eternity as though it were all simultaneously present.
habere: idque . . . assistere . . . habere: accusative/infinitive after necesse est. infinitatem . . . habere: Though time is full of motion and boundless, it is nonetheless seen from the point of view of eternity as though it were all simultaneously present.

section 9
uisum: sc. esse.
Platoni: B. has in mind an interpretation current in his time of passages such as Statesman 270A, Timaeus 28B. On the significance of the issue for interpretation of the Consolatio, cf. Gruber.

section 10
totam: totam . . . praesentiam: object of complexum esse.
praesentiam: totam . . . praesentiam: object of complexum esse.

section 11
proprietate: "by [i.e., as] a property."

section 12
praesentarium statum: i.e., a condition in which all things are perceived as if present, with no past or future.
effingere: "make an image, imitate."
aliquatenus: "to some extent."
quibuscumque contigerit: "to whatever things it touches."
id: i.e., ut esse uideantur, "that they seem to exist."

section 13
eundo: gerund < eo, ire.

section 14
Platonem: cf. Timaeus 37D. The formal distinction between eternity and perpetuity really originated among Greek Neoplatonists, perhaps with Proclus.

section 15
supergressa: modifying scientia; see on 5P4.30.
quasi iam gerantur: "as if they [sc. omnia] were now (i.e., all in present time) being carried on."

section 16
dinoscit: sc. deus.
instantiae: "present moment."

section 17
praeuidentia: praeuidentia . . . prouidentia: plays on the meanings of the prefixes prae- (before in time) and pro- (before in space).
prouidentia: praeuidentia . . . prouidentia: plays on the meanings of the prefixes prae- (before in time) and pro- (before in space).
quod: "because."
porro a rebus infimis: "far from the lowliest of things."

section 18
cum ne homines: cum ne homines . . . uideant: as argued 5P4.4ff.
uideant: cum ne homines . . . uideant: as argued 5P4.4ff.

section 20
praesentis: participle as substantive, "the present."
temporario: "temporal," the opposite of eternal.

section 21
olim: "at some time."

section 23
dispiciens: "seeing clearly."
praesentium: praesentium . . . futurarum: sc. rerum.
ad condicionem: ad condicionem . . . temporis: "with respect to their status in time"; i.e., "from a temporal point of view."
temporis: ad condicionem . . . temporis: "with respect to their status in time"; i.e., "from a temporal point of view."
futurarum: praesentium . . . futurarum: sc. rerum.

section 24
exstaturum: < exsto, "exist."
quod idem: antecedent is quid.
non nesciat: the negatives cancel each other out.

section 25
rem: here, "proposition."
diuini speculator: "one who contemplates the divine."

section 26
idem futurum: "the same future [event]."

section 27
condicionis: "condition, " in the grammatical/logical sense.

section 28
simplicem: sc. necessitatem.

section 29
uoluntate: ablative of cause with gradientem.

section 31
non desinunt: "do not leave off from."

section 33
Quid: Quid . . . refert: "What does it matter?" The answer is Hoc scilicet, specified by the following noun clause.
refert: Quid . . . refert: "What does it matter?" The answer is Hoc scilicet, specified by the following noun clause.
instar: "likeness," with the genitive; subject of eueniet.

section 34
paulo ante: 5P6.22.
unum: sc. sol oriens.
alterum: sc. gradiens homo.

section 36
sicuti: sicuti . . . singulare: cf. 5P5.5ff.
ad se ipsa: plural, though the antecedent (omne) is singular.
singulare: sicuti . . . singulare: cf. 5P5.5ff.

section 37
propositum: "intention."

section 38
id te posse: indirect statement governed by intuetur.
an facias quoue conuertas: indirect questions governed by intuetur.

section 39
meane: = mea + ne.
illa: sc. scientia diuina.
noscendi uices: "changing forms of knowing."

section 40
40: Lines 40-48: This editor's punctuation makes the last lines of the Consolatio spoken by B.; most editors disagree. Some even give Minime to P.
praeuenit: "forestalls, heads off."

section 41
Quam: Quam . . . praesentiam: "and this presentness," i.e., this ability to experience things as if they were all present simultaneously.
praesentiam: Quam . . . praesentiam: "and this presentness," i.e., this ability to experience things as if they were all present simultaneously.

section 42
paulo ante: 5P3.15.

section 43
praesentaria: ablative.
posterioribus: "to things [logically] later in order."

section 44
intemerata: "unspoiled."

section 45
desuper: adverb; with speculator (which has an implied verbal force).
concurrit: "concurs, corresponds."

section 47
Auersamini: imperative < auersor, "turn aside."

section 48
necessitas: the Consolatio ends with a piece of word-play.

-=  Facta & Verba  =-