Authority (II)
The A-Bomb WWW Museum offers an institutional vision based on moral judgement, but its somber tone is tempered by contributions from a variety of outside sources, a development which transforms the site into a rich, multivocal experience. For example, in its introduction, the site offers a link to the Smithsonian Institute's Enola Gay exhibit, allowing readers access to an alternative viewpoint; the Smithsonian link proves to be of particular interest because it furnishes the context underlying the decision to employ the bomb, thus complicating the morality of the situation. Another device which the site employs involves the active incorporation of reader feedback. The directors of the site have included a range of responses gathered from previous visitors, with the feedback varying from the enthusiastic to the downright skeptical. The external links assembled in the section labeled "Related Work" continue this activity, locating the bombing within the context of Japanese aggression on the Asian mainland (e.g., Nanking 1937). While its tone suggests a clear sense of moral resolve and personal witness, the site invites dissent, recognizing that dialogue is a necessary prelude to understanding.