Research Projects
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My Google Scholar Profile
Climate Change and Bird Migration
Zelt et al. (2012)
Arab & Courter (2012) -
Abundance Patterns of Benthic Fish in the Missouri River
Arab et al. (2008)
Witte et al. (2009)
Wildhaber et al. (2011)
Arab et al. (2012) -
Climate change and Malaria Spread
Arab, Jackson & Kongoli. Malaria Journal (2014) Hierarchical Models for Ecological Communities
Arab & Wimp. Oecologia, (2013)-
Other Projects

Monthly Precipitation Levels Prediction for the DC Area
Arab and Deksissa [in preparation]Ali Arab305 St. Mary's37th and O Streets, N.W., Washington D.C. 20057Phone: (202) 687.1878Fax: (202) "at" georgetown "dot" edu
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