Mathematical Psychophysics: From Lissajous Figures to Topology

This module in the Research Proseminar ICOS 202 given by the Interdisciplinary Program in Cognitive Science will begin in the Spring of 2005. I

You can contact me either by e-mail at kainen at or by telephone 72703.

Last updated: Jan. 28, 2005.

I've put some books on reserve (24hr) at the main library - so you can browse them for material related to our module (please note that the course number is ICOS 202). And don't forget to read my paper on perception of Lissajous figures .

Demonstrations of psychophysical phenomena (such as Lissajous figures) will be shown to the students in this module. I will provide lectures and articles regarding the mathematical nature of perception and the relevance of perceptual issues in artificial visual environments, such as occur during the use of computers and video. I will also give a basic inroduction to those areas of mathematics which are proposed for the models.

Students will be expected to synthesize what they have learned either by writing a paper or designing an experiment. The focus of such papers and designs may be on education, entertainment, or psychophysical research.

We are meeting Tuesdays from 6:00 to 7:30 pm in Reiss 256.

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pck; 11/01/04