Augustine and Augustinians Today

This page is a haphazard collection of the silly and the serious, rather similar to life itself.

International Colloquium on the "new" sermons of Augustine: Chantilly, 5-7 September 1996

Contemporary Influences of Augustine

The fame of Augustine and of this page reached a new level when a commercially-published desk calendar for 1997 had this entry for 30 March.

In his album "Ten Summoner's Tales", Sting (in real life, Gordon Sumner) included a track called "Saint Augustine in Hell": it contains at least one genuine echo of Augustine and another of Gerard Manley Hopkins, and it has a certain, well, panache. Another poet of our time has found Augustine similarly useful.

A computer scientist finds technical inspiration from Augustine's ideas about the trinity.

The most commonly asked question about Augustine

Monumentum Augustinianum Recens.

Ambrose baptizing Augustine -- in a contemporary mural in an episcopal church in Memphis

"Augustine, The Farmer's Boy from Hippo" -- a highly simplified version of his life for devout readers, not for scholars.

Augustinians today

The Order of St. Augustine, page in English/Spanish/Italian.

Augustinians of the American midwestern province.

The Order of St. Augustine in Germany -- with numerous links to other houses and members of the Augustinian order elsewhere in the world

Augustinian Recollects.