Colloque International
Augustin Prédicateur a la
lumière des sermons découverts à Mayence
September 1996)
An international conference will be held this September to discuss the
"Sermons Dolbeau" discovered a decade or so ago in a Mainz manuscript by
F. Dolbeau and since edited in a variety of periodicals. The conference
may be expected to lead to an edition of the texts with translations and
notes. Following on the "Divjak letters", these sermons are an exciting
trove of new material from Augustine's pen.
Organizing committee: G. Madec, F. Dolbeau, J.-Cl. Fredouille, Cl.
Lepelley, J. Scheid
Note: most papers and titles in French, translated here
for convenience
I: Preaching, liturgy, archaeology
G. Madec: Augustine the bishop (395/396)
J.-P. Bouhot: Augustine the preacher in light of On Christian
F. Dolbeau: "Seminator verborum": reflections of an editor
P.-M. Bogaert: The Bible of Augustine: State of the question, with
reference to the "Sermons Dolbeau"
M. Klockener: The meaning of the "Sermons Dolbeau" for liturgical
N. Duval: The contribution of the new sermons to the topography of
Carthage and to knowledge of African churches
M. Banniard: Linguistic variation and communicaton in Augustine's
II: Pastoral Care, Doctrine, and Controversies
P.-H. Hombert: Augustine the preacher of grace at the beginnings of
his episcopacy
Y.-M. Duval: Echos of discussions between Augustine and Jerome
M.-A. Vannier: Conribution of the new sermons to Christology
M. Dulaey: On certain exegetical issues in the Mainz sermons
R.A. Markus: Form and meaning: concerning an image in Mainz 13
É. Rebillard: Mainz 15 and the problem of delayed baptism
Chr. Müller: S. Dolbeau 16, a model of Augustine's teaching on
III: Discussions with the Pagans
H. Chadwick: Augustine's Relations with the Pagans
Cl. Lepelley: The lettered pagain aristocracy: a menace in
Augustine's eyes.
J. Pépin: Observations on the evidence of s. Mainz 62
regarding paganism
P. Brown: "Imperiti pagani faciunt hoc . . . quomodo faciunt et
vestri" (s. Mainz 62.10)
R. Dodaro: "Augustine's Preaching Against Roman Pagan Priesthoods
(s. Mainz 62.16)
J. Scheid: The festival of the calends of January and their
Christian critique
St. A.H. Kennell: "Augustine's hostile hearers"
A. Solignac: Virtue and salvation for the pagans according to
Augustine's praching.
IV: Chronology and Contacts with the Contemporary World
H. Inglebert: CHristian universality and the roman imperial monarchy
(s. Mainz 13 and 60-61)
J.-Cl. Fredouille: The sermons relating to the fall of Rome
P. Garnsey: Slavery as Institution and Metaphor in the new sermons
R. Klein: Poor and Rich: evidence for the social structure of the
community in the new sermons
A. Gabillon: Redating ep. 109 from Severus of Milev
A. Primmer: Relation between the new sermon and the Enarrations
on the Psalms
Mme Claudine Croyère
Institut d'Études Augustiniennes
3, rue de l'Abbaye
75006 Paris