Cognitive Science Module: Aspects of Mathematical Perception

Last updated: 10/28/02

Online description of the cognitive science modules offered as part of ICOS-202 ``Research Modules in Cognitive Science.'' This is one of the courses you may take as a cognitve science minor.

For this module, I'm especially interested in students with interests in two or three of the following topics: mathematics, psychology, multimedia, and art.

I can be reached best by voice mail at 7-2703 and have my office hours in Reiss 252 (TBA). You may also find me in the Math Dept. Lounge (Reiss 256) or in the computer room, across the hall from the lounge.

A paper is required and will be due April 1. Your grade for the course will depend on class participation and the paper. With my permission, a project of some suitable type could be substituted for the paper.

We meet on Tues. from 5:00 to 6:30 pm in Reiss 256, the Math Department Lounge. Dates are the 14th, 21st and 28th of Jan. 2003.

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