The Authority of Augustine
The new Christianity of "authors"
----->the bishop with trans-local authority
----->How Augustine managed this
How to read the Confessions
----->Trinity: three in God, image of God in man
----->1 Jn. 2.16: three temptations
----->Resultant structure of text
The implicit representation of self
1. display of externals in face-to-face aristocratic society
2. concern with internals through education and discipline, as
means to the end: improving the display of externals
3. concern with internals for their own sake: last page of the
Consolation and throughout Confessions -- God
sees within, and that is where the drama of life now takes
place. (Monks filthy without, seemly within)
Boundaries between good/evil: not identical with any earthly society
Hence, Augustine's City of God
paradoxes and dilemmas of late antique Christianity as actually lived
universal history, just war, two cities
place of scripture -- the "large screen TV" of late
--------->example from Conf. 8.2.3 on the way the
authoritative text permeates the perception of reality