Quotations from Cassiodorus' writings are always made from the
editions cited below and identified in the ways indicated. In
addition to the editions listed below, all of Cassiodorus' works
are available in volumes 69 and 70 of Patrologia Latina, for
the most part in the edition of the Maurist J. Garet (1679).
- Chron. -- Chronica. Entries cited by year (in the
Dionysian reckoning B.C./A.D.) after the edition of Theodor
Mommsen, Abhandlungen der phil.-hist. Classe der kön.
sächischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften, 8 (1861), 547-
596; reprinted with a shorter preface in MGH.AA.XI
(Chron. Min. II), 1894. The full preface is in Mommsen,
Gesammelte Schriften, 7(1909), 668-690.
- Comp. -- Complexiones in Epistulas. Cited by column
and section from PL 70.1309-1422, which is a reprint of the edition
of Scipio Maffei (Florence, 1721).
- De an. -- De anima. Cited by chapter and line numbers from
the edition of J. W. Halporn, CCSL 96 (1973), which reprints
Halporn's text published in Traditio, 16 (1960) 39-109; but
the line numbers are not the same in both editions. Halporn's
chapter divisions differ from all previous editions.
- De orth. -- De orthographia. Cited by page and line from
the edition of H. Keil, Grammatici Latini (1880), 7.143-210.
- Ex. Ps. -- Expositio Psalmorum. Cited by Psalm (or, for the
preface, by "Praef.." and sometimes the chapter thereof) and line
numbers from the edition of M. Adriaen, CCSL 97-98 (1958).
- Get. -- Getica. Jordanes' abridgment, titled by him De
origine actibusque getarum, cited from Mommsen's edition,
MGH.AA.V (1882), using the chapter and section
numbers given there. When I wish to refer to Cassiodorus' original
work in twelve books, I call it the Gothic History.
- Hist. trip. -- Historia ecclesiastica tripartita. Cited
by book, chapter, and section, from the edition of W. Jacob and R.
Hanslik, CSEL 71 (1952).
- Inst. -- Institutiones. Cited by book, chapter, and
section, from the edition of R. A. B. Mynors (1937).
- Ordo gen. -- Ordo generis Cassiodororum, also known as the
Anecdoton Holderi. Cited by line numbers from the edition
given in Appendix I, below.
- Var. -- Variae. Cited by book, letter, and section, from
the edition of A. J. Fridh, CCSL 96 (1973). These references
are equally valid for Mommsen's edition, MGH.AA.XII
2. Other Works
- AJP -- American Journal of Philology.
- ALMA -- Archivum Latinitatis Medii Aevi (Bulletin Du
- Anon. Vales. -- Anonymus Valesianus.
- BARB -- Bulletin de la classe des lettres et des sciences
morales et politiques de l'académie royale du Belgique.
- CCSL -- Corpus Christianorum, Series Latina
- CIG -- Corpus Inscriptionum Graecarum.
- CIL -- Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum.
- CJ -- Codex Justinianus.
- Courcelle, LLW -- --P. Courcelle, Late Latin Writers
and Their Greek Sources (1969).
- CSEL -- Corpus Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Latinorum
- DA --Dissertation Abstracts (Ann Arbor).
- DACL -- Dictionnaire d'archéologie chrétienne
et de liturgie.
- DHGE -- Dictionnaire d'histoire et de géographie
- Fliche et Martin -- A. Fliche et V. Martin, eds.,
Histoire de l'église.
- HSCP -- Harvard Studies in Classical Philology.
- IG -- Inscriptiones Graecae.
- Jones, LRE -- --A. H. M. Jones, The Later Roman
Empire, 284-602 (1964), using pagination of the American
edition to refer to the notes.
- JRS -- Journal of Roman Studies.
- JThS -- Journal of Theological Studies.
- Lowe, CLA -- E. A. Lowe, Codices Latini
Antiquiores (1934-1971).
- Mansi -- J. D. Mansi, Sacrorum Conciliorum Nova et
Amplissima Collectio (1759-1798).
- MEFR -- Mélanges d'archéologie et d'histoire
de l'école Française de Rome
- MGH --Monumenta Germaniae Historica. (AA = Auctores
- PBA -- Proceedings of the British Academy.
- PG -- Patrologia Graeca.
- PL -- Patrologia Latina.
(PLS = Patrologiae Latinae Supplementum [ed. A.
- PLRE --Prospography of the Later Roman Empire (ed. Jones,
Martindale, and Morris).
- Reg. Ben. -- Regula Benedicti.
- Rev. Ben. -- Revue Bénédictine
- RTAM -- Recherches de théologie ancienne et
- SC -- Sources Chrétiennes.
- SE -- Sacris Erudiri.
- Settimane --Settimane di Studio del Centro Italiano di Studi
sull'Alto Medioevo (Spoleto).
- SMRL --Studies in Medieval and Renaissance Latin Language and
Literature (The Catholic University of America).