"Homepage" is a term loosely used for any point of departure for a collection of documents linked on the WWW. People or institutions or special projects all have a "homepage". The "homepage" for this collection of pages on new tools for teaching is the place where you started.

But if, as I like to say, the faculty member of the future is not going to be any longer (if he ever was!) the sole source of authority to students on his campus in some subject or other, but instead a kind of "front end" to the world resources in his field, then the best way for a faculty member to begin organizing resources is with his or her own homepage -- take mine for example. This should probably include some personal information about yourself to help students find out who you are and what your interests are; it should list your publications and, where possible, offer links to those publications in electronic form; and it should lead to course materials and everything else that you think will be of interest to your students and colleagues. Think of it as your on-line office, where students come to meet you even when you're not there. One great advantage is that with only a little effort, it can be a lot neater than most real-world faculty cubicles! To get your own homepage in SAS at Penn, contact Educational Technology Services (jacka@ccat.sas.upenn.edu), and you will be set up with a dummy file in a directory of your own, given some pointers, and directed to other faculty homepages to emulate.