This was not my first time in polotics. I run in Colfax County in 1940. for the same office. And this was what I put on my Card.
Dishonest enough to catch the other crooks.
Ignorant enough to be frank.
Noisy enough to be respected.
And smart enough not to pass any more silly laws.
I got on the platform at Maxwell new mex. in that Campaign. and had several Lawyers sitting behind me. and told them that the only Laws that I wanted to pass. was to kill all the old lawyers and castorate the young ones. I did not win. I decided to run in this county as A joke. But as time went on I got serious. and really tried to win. till the last three weeks and then things Happened as only things will happen in polotics, I lost. I tied another cheese head for fourth money and there was no fourth.
The paper has it all wrong about me coming to Taos in 27 and going into the real Estate Business. I come here in twenty seven all right. But I went into the bootlegging business. and gambling on the side. and that turned out to be the profitable side. I helped make enough whiskey to float the english Navy I am not apologizing for it I am bragging about it.
The write up I got in life magazine was no fault of mine. It followed me three days and busted enough of them Popping bulbs to pave A long stretch of road. And the first thing I knowed I was In. and I got letters from every mental institution in the U.S. I think.
Now the Squibbs will speak for them selves.