A WWW potpourri

1000 (or more?) College Home Pages

Sheep Donkeys in Training

French monks

What Time Is It There?

The Atlantic Monthly

Special Collections Libraries in Philadelphia

Times Higher Education Supplement

Academe This Week (CHE On-Line)

City Link: WWW pages for cities, states, freenets

The Feminist Majority, on-line

Women's Resources on the Net

Post-Modern Culture (e-journal)

Extensive listing of resources for social science teachers -- many new unexploited links

Nine Planets (pictures, text, and a little Gustav Holst to listen to while you browse )

Venus: a different archive, one planet


Life at the South Pole

Les Tres Riches Heures -- one of the most dazzling illuminated medieval manuscripts

The Book of Kells -- almost as dazzling and hundreds of years earlier.

Winners of the Nobel Prize for literature

Erasmus Virtual University

Martin Irvine, Georgetown

Jack Owens, Idaho State Univ.

Xerox PARC map viewer

A Dog and His Words

Electronic Text Archives

Oxford University Humanities Computing

history of mathematics

Roman Law on the Web

Internet Book Stores

Institute for Advanced Technology in the Humanities, University of Virginia -- see esp. "Publications"

Xerox-PARC on Digital Libraries

Art Source web server

American Mathematical Society Web Server

Michigan School of Information and Library Science (SILS) Collaboratory (Upper Atmosphere Research)

Seattle bus maps and schedules

Traffic in Seattle

Search the entire Web with the WWW Worm

See also scholarly, academic computing, and lighter fare, gathered by Jim O'Donnell