Images of Augustine

This is the oldest surviving portrait of Augustine,
from the Lateran in Rome in the sixth century.

The best attempt to document the iconographic history of Augustine's reputation is now Schnaubelt and Van Fleteren, Augustine in Iconography: History and Legend (New York: Peter Lang 1999). An excellent website now offers a wide variety of Augustinian images, emphasizing late medieval and Renaissance.

I have collected here a few items that have come my desultory way on the Internet as well.

Gozzoli's cycle of frescoes of the life of Augustine

From the Netherlands, treasured copy of City of God.

"Bilder und Texte zum Leben des hl. Augustinus": text in German but containing some interesting photographs.

From the University of Wisconsin/Milwaukee, an online "rare book exhibit" featuring rare editions of A.'s works.

"The Buddha of Light" -- a surviving representation from medieval China of the prophet Mani disguised as the Buddha. (Click on the small version for larger image.)