Snapshots of Participants

The following pictures of participants (in addition to ones appearing elsewhere on this site) were taken during the conference and its accompanying archaeological visits, April 2001.

Professor Robert Markus on the site at Hippo

Professor Johannes Van Oort in the forum at Hippo

Two views of a contemporary African philosophy professor on the ancient and modern church sites in Hippo

Professor Robert Dodaro in the ruins at Madauros

Professors Goulven Madec and Angelo Di Berardino at the festivities in Madauros

Professors Maureen Tilley and Kevin Coyle in the banquet tent.

Professor Patout Burns in a long shot before the Byzantine fortress at Madauros

Professors Robert Dodaro, Patout Burns, Robin Jensen, and JO'D at Madauros

JO'D in the odeon at Madauros, standing about where Apuleius and Augustine would have stood for their declamations