GU Seal

Ian Gale
Department of Economics
Georgetown University
Washington DC 20057

In the spring of 2013, I will teach Economics 411: The Economics and Strategy of Sports.


Biographical Sketch:
Education: Ph.D., Economics, Princeton University; B.Sc., Mathematics, Queen's University.

I teach Industrial Organization and Microeconomic Theory.  My current research is in the areas of industrial organization, auction theory, and public economics. 


Recent Research:

"Assigning Resources to Budget-Constrained Agents" (with Yeon-Koo Che and Jinwoo Kim), Review of Economic Studies, forthcoming.

"The Welfare Effects of Use-or-Lose Provisions in Markets with Dominant Firms" (with Daniel P. O'Brien), American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, forthcoming.

"Caps on Political Lobbying: Reply" (with Yeon-Koo Che), American Economic Review, 96, (2006), 1355-1360.   

"Revenue Comparisons for Auctions when Bidders Have Arbitrary Types" (with Yeon-Koo Che), Theoretical Economics, 1 (2006), 93-116. 

"Optimal Design of Research Contests" (with Yeon-Koo Che), American Economic Review, 93 (2003), 646-671. 

"Sequential Auctions of Endogenously Valued Objects" (with Mark Stegeman), Games and Economic Behavior 36 (2001), 74-103. 

"The Antitrust Implications of Capacity Reallocation by a Dominant Firm" (with Daniel P. O'Brien), Journal of Industrial Economics 49 (2001), 137-160. 

"Difference-Form Contests and the Robustness of All-Pay Auctions"  (with Yeon-Koo Che), Games and Economic Behavior, 30 (2000), 22-43. 

"Sequential Procurement with Subcontracting" (with Donald B. Hausch and Mark Stegeman), International Economic Review 41 (2000), 989-1020. 

"The Optimal Mechanism for Selling to a Budget-Constrained Buyer" (with Yeon-Koo Che), Journal of Economic Theory, 92 (2000), 198-233. 

"Caps on Political Lobbying" (with Yeon-Koo Che), American Economic Review, 88 (1998), 643-651. 

"Standard Auctions with Financially Constrained Bidders" (with Yeon-Koo Che), Review of Economic Studies, 65 (1998), 1-21. 


Curriculum Vitae


Courses Taught at Georgetown: 
Economics 1: Principles of Microeconomics
Economics 101: Microeconomic Theory 
Economics 103: Honors Microeconomic Theory 
Economics 411: The Economics and Strategy of Sports 
Economics 425: Mathematics for Economics 
Economics 461: Industrial Organization 
Economics 631: Industrial Organization 

Links to Economics Websites

  • EconWPA: a general working paper archive in economics. 
  • IDEAS: a general bibliographic database. 
  • JSTOR : pdf versions of journal articles  (Georgetown accessible only). 
  • NBER Industrial Organization Program: empirical studies of firm behavior and government regulation.
  • RAND Journal IO Links: another comprehensive set of links to journals and websites.
  • The Economist: news and background. 
  • WebEc: a comprehensive source of everything about economics on the web. 

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Last revised: October, 2012. 

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