- Course Description
- Course Requirements
- Course Prerequisites
- Texts
- Handouts/Links
- Handouts
Schedule for the Rest of the Semester:
11/10: "Free for All"
11/17: "On the Essence of Truth"
11/24: no class - Thanksgiving
12/1: no class - I'm at a conference
12/8: make-up session, 11-2, more on truth
Course Description:
This will be a topical graduate seminar on the philosophy of Martin Heidegger. We will look at three topics in Heidegger's thought.
- Classcial existentialist themes in the early Heidegger, such as death, guilt, resoluteness, and authenticity.
- Heidegger's conception of history in B&T.
- "On the Essence of Truth" and Heidegger's views on assertoric and "primordial" truth.
Course Requirements:
Students will write one term paper (approx. 20-25 pp.), due according to standard departmental end-of-term practices.
Course Prequisites:
To enroll in this course, you must be a graduate student in the Philosophy Dept. All others require my permission . Prior familiarity with Being and Timewould be helpful. I will make available a draft copy of my Reader's Guide to "Being and Time".
- Being and Time, trans. Macquarrie & Robinson (Harper). [But it at amazon.com.]
- Pathmarks, ed. McNeill (Cambridge). [Buy it at amazon.com.]
I'll figure this one out later.
Handouts & Links
- Translation Notes on Being and Time
- Some Terminology from Being and Time
- Some passages on existentialism
- Some Recommended Secondary Literature
Some links from last semester that might be helpful:
- handouts here