GU Seal

Heidegger: Early Writings

Philosophy 382

Professor William Blattner

Two Passages on the Anyone Articulating the Context

If Dasein is familiar with itself as Anyone-self, this means at the same time that the Anyone itself prescribes that way of interpreting the world and being-in-the-world which lies closest. Dasein is for the sake of the Anyone in an everyday manner, and the Anyone itself articulates the referential context of significance. (B&T, p. 167/129)

In [idle talk], out of it, and against, all genuine understanding, interpreting, and communicating, all re-discovering and appropriating anew, are performed. (B&T, p. 213/169)

One related passage that affects what one might say here:

Resoluteness appropriates untruth authentically. (B&T, p. 345/299)

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