Third Annual D. C. Heath American Literature Student Essay Contest
D. C. Heath announces its third annual essay contest for students, designed to encourage students to read broadly in American literature and to experience the richness and complexity of voices both traditional and non-traditional. We are asking instructors using the Heath Anthology of American Literature in their undergraduate classes to sponsor essays that they think are examples of fine student writing and creative thinking. We encourage instructors to make assignments that will allow students to read canonical and noncanonical works together, allowing for productive comparisons. However, for this contest, we will consider any essay written about a writer or work which appears in the Heath Anthology. Sponsoring instructors are asked to send us their assignments; we will reprint them alongside the winning essays.
Here are the details:
Prizes: Two winners will be chosen from the essays received. Winning students will each receive a check for $100 and their prizewinning essays will be published in an upcoming issue of the Heath Anthology of American Literature Newsletter. (Sponsoring instructors will each receive an honorarium of $50.)
Judges: Winning essays will be chosen by a panel composed of members of the Heath Anthology of American Literature editorial board.
Deadline: February 28, 1993
Length: 1,000 words
Subject: An analysis or exploration of some writer, work, movement (social, literary, or historical), or combination of these elements, using the material in the Heath Anthology as a primary source. The shape or mode of the essay may vary, and personal responses are as welcome as source-based papers.
Format: All essays must be typed, double-spaced, and accompanied by the student's and instructor's complete mailing address and phone number. Winners and sponsoring instructors will be contacted. All submissions become the property of D. C. Heath and Company, which reserves the right to edit the winning essays for style, mechanics, and format.
To enter: Contestants must be undergraduates.
Send entries to:
Heath Anthology Essay Contest