Research Opportunities Available
Several research positions are available to work on projects related to statistical modeling for environmental and ecological processes. These are part-time and paid positions. Please contact me for more details if you are interested. The requirements include: Interest in working on challenging interdisciplinary problems (with applications in environment, ecology, and epidemiology). Strong communication skills. Strong background in mathematics, statistics, and computer programming. Familiarity with statistical and/or mathematical software packages and programming environments (in particular, Matlab, R). Familiarity with web and mobile applications development, database structures, and cloud computing is a plus. Familiarity with word processing tools and in particular, LaTeX is a plus.
Ali arab305 St. Mary's37th and O Streets, N.W., Washington D.C. 20057Phone: (202) 687.1878Fax: (202) "at" georgetown "dot" edu
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