
Jian-young Wu, Ph.D.
Professor of Physiology and Biophysics Ph.D., Peking University, China, 1986
(202) 687-1614
Key words for search engines: Jian-young Wu, Jianyoung Wu, Jianyong Wu,voltage-sensitive dye, photodiode array, propagating waves, spiral waves, neocortex, brain slice, optical imaging, oscillations in brain, photo diode array
Research My laboratory studies the spatiotemporal patterns of neuronal
activities in the mammalian neocortex. Large scale neuronal activity is a
hallmark of living brain. All cortical functions are carried out by
organized activation of large number of neurons. Studying the
spatiotemporal patterns of neuronal population activity may provide help
in the understanding of normal brain functions such as sensory and motor
processing and in pathological disorders such as epilepsy and Parkinson¡¯s
My general hypothesis is that propagating waves are a basic pattern of
population neuronal activity in the neocortex. We use voltage-sensitive
dyes and optical imaging techniques to visualize these waves. In the past
few years, we have documented a variety of waveforms (e.g., plane wave and
spirals) in brain slices during artificially induced oscillations. Using
neocortical slices and mathematic models we are studying the initiation of
the waves and the factors that control of the propagating direction and
We are also involved in the development of optical imaging techniques.
Imaging propagating waves in intact brain is technically difficult. Other
imaging methods (fMRI, PET or MEG) provide inadequate spatiotemporal
resolution. We are improving the optical imaging techniques with a hope to
visualize the waves in the cortex in vivo during sensory processes and in
awake animals while behavioral and cognitive tasks are performed.

Enjoying electrophysiology with very young neuroscientists
Selected Publications:
Wu, J.-Y., J.A. London, D. Zecevic, L.B. Cohen,
H.-P. Hoepp and C. Xiao. Optical monitoring of neuron activity during
the Aplysia gill-withdrawal reflex. Experientia. 44(5), 369 -
Cohen, L.B. and J.-Y. Wu. One neuron, many units?
Nature, 346, 108-109,1990
Wu, J.-Y., C.X. Falk, and L.B. Cohen. Neuronal
activity during different behaviors in Aplysia: A Distributed
Organization? Science, 263:820-823,1994
Wu, J.-Y., Y. Tsau, H.P. Hoepp, L.B. Cohen, A.C.
Tang and C.X. Falk. Consistency in Nervous system: Trial-to-trial and
animal-to-animal variations in the response to repeated application of a
sensory stimulus in Aplysia. J. Neuroscience,
Tsau, Y., L. Guan, and J.-Y. Wu. Initiation of
Spontaneous Epileptiform Activity in the Neocortical Slice.
J.Neurophysiology,80: 978-982,1998 .pdf
J.-Y. Wu,L. Guan, and Y. Tsau. Propagating
activation during oscillations and evoked responses in neocortical
slices. J. Neuroscience,19: 5005-5015,1999 .pdf
J.-Y. Wu, L. Guan, L. Bai and Q. Yang. An evoked
all-or-none population activity in rat sensory cortical slices. J.
Neurophysiology, 86:2461-2474,2001 .pdf
Jin, W-j., R-j Zhang and J.-Y. Wu. Voltage-sensitive dye
imaging of population neuronal activity in cortical tissue. J.
Neuroscience Method, 115 13-27,2002 .pdf
Bao, W. and J.-Y. Wu. Propagating wave and
irregular dynamics: Spatiotemporal patterns of cholinergic theta
oscillations in neocortex, in vitro J.
Ma, H. ¨CT, C.-H. Wu and , J.-Y. Wu. The Initiation
of Spontaneous Epileptiform Events in the Rat Neocortex, In Vivo. J.
Neurophysiology, 91:934-45,2004
Huang, X-Y., W.C. Troy, Q. Yang, H-T. Ma, C.R. Laing, S.J. Schiff and
J.-Y. Wu. Spiral Waves in Disinhibited Mammalian Neocortex.
J. Neuroscience, 24(44):9897-9902,2004
Supplimental movies
S.J.Schiff, X.-Y. Huang and J.-Y. Wu. Dynamical Evolution of Spatiotemporal Patterns in Mammalian Middle Cortex,
Physical Review Letters, 98:178102-1~4,2007 .pdf
M.T.Lippert, K. Takagaki, W.-F. Xu, X.-Y. Huang and
J.-Y. Wu. Methods for voltage-sensitive dye imaging of rat
cortical activity with high signal-to-noise ratio, J. Neurophysiol., 98:502-512,2007 .pdf
W.-F. Xu, X.-Y. Huang, K. Takagaki, and J.-Y. Wu. Compression and reflection of visually evoked cortical waves, Neuron, 55:119-129,2007
Supplimental movies
Y. Arai, G.Z. Mentis, J.-Y. Wu, and M.J. O'Donovan. Ventrolateral Origin of Each Cycle of Rhythmic Activity Generated by the Spinal Cord of the Chick Embryo,
PLoS ONE, 2(5): e417-1~11