Annotated Summary of Units

We have divided our units into two general levels. Level 1 is appropriate for students who are beginning algebra and are just becoming comfortable with the use and manipulation of symbols. This would include students in Introductory Algebra and beginning Intermediate Algebra. Level 2 is appropriate for students with some experience with algebra. Most students in Intermediate Algebra students and Precalculus students would be sufficiently sophisticated for these materials. To decide in which of those two levels are more appropriate for your students, consider (a) reading level, (b) the mathematical needs of your students, and (c) the complexity of expressions due to working with some of the data.

We have not listed the units by course since the level of courses varies from institution to institution.

Below is a list of units by level, including the date the student version was last revised. A more detailed description of each unit, along with downloading instructions, is given on the individual pages.

home page

Level 1:

Level 2:
