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On this page, we have a number of worksheets related to genetics, along with Excel spreadsheet simulations that help with the understanding of the genetic concepts.  You can also run the following Power Point presentation to get an overview of these worksheets and spreadsheets.  You must actually run the Power Point presentation.  Many of the slides are unreadable except during the slide show because of animation.

Power Point Show for Genetics

In this first set, we develop a basic understanding of genetic principles.

basic genetics worksheet,   basic genetics spreadsheet simulation, answers to worksheet


In this set, we explore one of the problems with the eugenics movement of the early 20th Century

eugenics worksheets, eugenics spreadsheet simulation, answers to worksheet


In this set, we explore the sickle cell/malaria relationship

malaria worksheet, malaria survivors spreadsheet simulation, sickle cell evolution simulation, answers to worksheet


In this set, we explore the relationship between mutation and lethal traits.

mutation/lethal trait worksheet, mutation/lethal trait spreadsheet simulation, answers to worksheet.

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