
Pictured with other advisory board members from the International Black Doctoral Network Association Inc. during their inaugural conference (October 2013).

Presenting an invited talk at the inaugural Black Doctoral Network conference in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (October 2013).

Promotional poster for inaugural Black Doctoral Network conference in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Conference occurred in October, 2013. All pictured (myself included) serve on the inaugural advisory committee for this organization.
With Georgetown University President John DeGioia at the university's Faculty Convocation for promotion and tenure.There, I was recognized for promotion to Associate Professor with tenure (October 2012).

Presenting an invited talk during the European Network for Business and Industrial Statistics (ENBIS) conference in Ljubljana, Slovenia (September 2012).

Alumni and affiliates of the University of Maryland College Park Mathematics Department that participated in the 2012 Infinite Possibilities Conference (IPC 2012) at the University of Maryland Baltimore County (March 2012).

The photo and video shoot during my interview for (April 2011).

The Steering Committee for the 2007 Infinite Possibilities Conference (IPC 2007), held at North Carolina State University (November 2007).

Discussing my work in the statistical analysis of image data, particularly proteomic data analysis.

With Nozer Singpurwalla at the Second Frontiers of Statistical, Mathematical and Computational Sciences (SMCS) Symposium, held at George Washington University, Washington, DC (September 2005).

With Dr. Monica Jackson at the 2004 Conference for African American Researchers in the Mathematical Sciences (CAARMS 2004) at the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute (MSRI) in Berkeley, California (June 2004).

Presenting at the 2004 Conference for African American Researchers in the Mathematical Sciences (CAARMS 2004) at the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute (MSRI) in Berkeley, California (June 2004).

During the StatFest 2003 conference at North Carolina State University (November 2003).

At the 2003 Joint Statistics Meetings in San Francisco, CA (August 2003). The book, Fuzzy Logic and Probability Applications: Bridging the Gap, received the ASA-SIAM Crystal Award (American Statistical Association Amstat News, October 2003, p. 14). I was a coauthor for two chapters in this book. Pictured with W. Jerry Parkinson, one of the editors (center).

Dr. Raymond Johnson (back center) pictured with many of the former and current African-American students from the University of Maryland College Park whom he has influenced. Picture taken during 2003 National Association of Mathematicians Banquet, held in conjunction with the 2003 Joint Mathematics Meetings, in Baltimore, MD (January 2003).

Presenters in the 2003 National Association of Mathematicians (NAM) Granville-Brown-Haynes Session of Presentations by Recent Doctoral Recipients in the Mathematical Sciences, held in conjunction with the 2003 Joint Mathematics Meetings in Baltimore MD (January 2003).

Presenting at the poster session for the Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM) Workshop for Women Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Mathematicians, held in conjunction with the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) Annual Meetings in San Diego, CA (July 2001).

With Sir David Cox following his presentation during the first plenary session of the Mathematial Methods in Reliability (MMR) 2000 conference in Bordeaux, France (July 2000).

In attendance at the Mathematical Methods in Reliability (MMR) 2000 conference in Bordeaux, France (July 2000).

At the 2000 Conference for African American Researchers in the Mathematical Sciences (CAARMS 2000) at Morgan State University, Baltimore MD (June 2000).
Kimberly F. Sellers306 St. Mary's Hall37th and O Streets, NW; Washington, DC 20057Phone: 202-687-8829Fax: