Bibliography on Augustine's de dialectica

Supplied by J. Marchand (Illinois/Urbana)

1. The first modern edition, and that on which all other modern ones are based, is by W. Crecelius, "S. Aurelii Augustini de dialectica liber," _Jahresbericht ueber das Gymnasium zu Elberfeld_, Schuljahr 1856-57 (Elberfeld: Lucas, 1857). It follows mostly ms. D and is occasionally too conjectural for my taste. The notes are quite full and well-done.

2. M. H. Barreau, "Principes de dialectique," in Oeuvres completes de St. Augustin, 4 (Paris: Vives, 1873), 52-68. This is a translation of the Migne text (PL 32.1385-1386), which accompanies the translation.

3. Augustine, De dialectica, transl. with Introduction & Notes by B. Darrell Jackson, from the Text newly edited by Jan Pinborg. Synthese Historical Library 16 (Dordrecht, Reidel, 1975). The new edition follows Crecelius for the most part. There is an attempt, using a kind of Mortonesque computer stylistics, to prove that the text is by Augustine, but quis egeat auctoritatem in re tam perspicua? Bad statistics, bad idea.

4. Hans Ruef, Augustin ueber Semiotik und Sprache. Sprachtheoretische Analysen zu Augustins Schrift `De Dialectica', mit einer deutschen Uebersetzung (Bern:Wyss, 1981). The translation is based on Pinborg's text; the notes and introductory matter are good.

5. A good introduction to the problems is: K. Barwick, Probleme der stoischen Sprachlehre und Rhetorik, Abhandlungen der Saechsischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig, Phil.-hist. Kl. 49, Heft 3 (1957).

6. See also Benson Mates, Stoic Logic, 2d. ed. University of California Publications in Philosophy 26 (1961).

7. A good introduction, but hard to read is Rudolph Schmidt, Stoicorum grammatica from 1839. This has been translated into German: R. T. Schmidt, Die Grammatik der Stoiker, Einfuehrung und deutsche Bearbeitung von K. H. Huelser, mit einer kommentierten Bibliographie zur stoischen Sprachwissenschaft (Dialektik) von U. Egli. Forschungsbericht Universitaet Konstanz. Sonderforschungsbereicht 99, Linguistik, 23. It also appeared separately in the series Schriften zur Linguistik, 12 (Braunschweig, 1979).