Notes on Jenks, "Black Death in LA"

* Superior numbers refer to the footnotes. We do not use inferior numbers.

1. Cod. lat. saec. XV, no. 1135, f. 156r-291v.

2. Cod. lat. saec. XIV, no. 187, f. 134r-142r.

3. Johannes Trithemius, Annales Hirsaugienses (St. Gallen, 1690), Bd. 2, 290: felicissima civitas; Matthias von Neuenburg, MGH.SS.XXX.125, beata civitas.

4. Martin Emsig-Pauker, Das Fortleben der Agrarverfassung der Mohren im Spanien der Reconquista, Studien und Forschungen aus spanischen und portugiesischen Archiven 32 (1929), 211ff. Reprinted in Dickmanns Handbuch (Mohren-Archiv), vol. 1, 1098ff.

5. But see the article by L. Wittgenstein, Wald (Silva usw.): Realität oder blosses Wort?, Philologische Mittheilungen 18 (1929), 218ff.

6. J.R.R. Tolkien, 'Griffith' in Beowulf and elsewhere, Euphorion 36 (1953), 18ff.

7. J.S. Jenks, Jewish Doctors in Visigothic Spain, American Historical Review 46 (1973), 642-60.

8. Fritz Anger, Herden, Pfarreien und Bevölkerung der mittelalterlichen Civitas, Historische Zeitschrift 213 (1964), 18-25.

9. Named after the Flemish counts who settled in and controlled the area in the eleventh century.

10. Fol. 134v. The ms. of the Anonymous allows us to identify the author of the Marian hymn Ave maris stella, printed in F.A. March, Latin Hymns, 90f.

11. See 'B.S.R.', Art. Müllabfuhr, Handbuch der Sauberkeit, Müllheim a.d. Ruhr 1932-36, vol. 9, 145f.

12. J. Sale, La délégation des immondices de Narbonne: Vérité ou légende?, Mélanges Halphen, 2. 138-145.

13. Les immondices et la peste noire, Revue de l'Espagne musulmane 3 (1901), 1-13.

14. See Michel Rueni, Art. George le Ghipp et le Danois Cnut la Pierre, Dictionnaire de la biographie chrétienne X, col. 131f. One would be remiss if one failed to cite the central source to which we owe most of our knowledge of Rainaldus: Georg Waitz (ed.), Cnutonis regis gesta sive encomium Emmae reginae auctore monacho S. Bertini (MGH SSrG 22), Hanover 1865.

15. Cervantes, Don Quixote, II, chapter 26.

16. Arch. civ. de la villa de Sacramento, Rep. miss. ext. 66, f. 89rv. There is also a clear reference to Bernard's activities in the anonymous Spanish chronicle Vitae divitum famosorumque (ed. J. Wenner), 2.220.

17. Philologische Mitteilungen 16 (1908), 21-3.

18. But see Meyer-Lübke, s.v. 'infans' in Etymologisches Wörterbuch der romanischen Sprachen.

19. Franciscus Zappa, De infimis incolentibus Silvae Sanctae (diss. Göttingen 1843).

20. Louis B. Mayer, Rainaldus et les 'imaginibus moventibus' dans la chronique de l'Anonyme Losangelènce, Annales E.S.C. 1 (1945), 121-5.

21. Out of consideration for his readers' sensibilities, the Anonymous omits specifics, but Schwanz has found the original text in a Berlin manuscript (Berlin, Staatsbibliothek Preussischer Kulturbesitz, MS. theol. lat. 08/15, fol. 43rv). As he kindly informs me, it is a loose sheet of parchment which seems to be an extract from the Anonymous which circulated at the Council of Constance (1414-8), apparently as part of an attempt to discredit Pope Benedict XIII, who was notoriously a Spaniard.

22. For an explanation of the last term, see Jeffrey B. Russell, Sand, Sun, Surf and Medieval Heresy, Speculum 35 (1969), 1- 16. But compare Jan de Vries, Sand, Sonne und Brandung: Arianische Volksfeste im mittelalterlichen Spanien, Wissenschaftlich-rassenkundliches Beiheft zum Völkischen Beobachter, 7 April 1941.

23. Cf. Sister Mary Q. Contrarie, Tonitrus in the Sermons of Bishop John of Civitas (diss. Catholic University of America, 1948).

24. Cf. G. Waitz, Pilgerfahrt und Strassennamen im deutschen Mittelalter, Archiv für die Erforschung des Mittelalters 18 (1854), 238-72.

25. MGH.SS.XXXII, 152.

26. Pierre Courcelle, Les confessions de Saint Augustin dans la tradition litteraire, Paris 1963, dismisses the idea in a masterful footnote.

27. He was once thought to have been a member of the de la Quesnia family (cf. J. Lennon and P. McCartney, Nowhere Man, Oxford 1886, 236ff.), but this has been traced to a letter of Erasmus reporting on a somewhat inebriated conversation he had with Sir Thomas More. Cf. Jonathan L. Seagull, Bernard Silvestris de la Quesnia? More or less, Speculum 23 (1958), 125-234. The necrology of Cor immaculatum is currently being edited by J. Cleese, J.L. Curtis, K. Kline and M. Palin (Münster and Freiburg i.Br.) for the MGH series 'Libri memoriales et Necrologia'. Unfortunately, they have only succeeded in transcribing the first and the last folios of the manuscript. For a report on the progress of the edition see their article: The Bit in the Middle, Frühmittelalterliche Studien 28 (1995), 1-15.

Notes on O'Donnell, "The Missing Link"

1. Susan Shelby Magoffin, Down the Sante Fe Trail and into Mexico (edited by Stella M. Drumm), New Haven 1962, 51-2. But note that the published text lists the Glasgow sisters' spouses as "brothers" of General Clark. I have in my possession a copy of this book which once belonged to General Glasgow and the correction has been made there in his firm hand.

2. See the amusing self-obituary, written in 1942 for his West Point Class by General Glasgow, published in the El Paso Herald- Post, March 30, 1964, page B-1, the week after General Glasgow became the oldest living West Pointer. (He also lived to become the second longest- lived West Pointer of whom there is an accurate record; his father died young, at 88, in 1908).

3. For those "blank spaces" see Robert A. Markus, Blank Spaces in the Wide Open Spaces: History and Society in the Writings of John J. Pershing, Revue des Études Augustiniennes 54 (1962), 214-89.

4. A formal description of the bequest appears in the Wind and Sand newspaper, published at White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico, August 14, 1967, page 6.

5. My colleagues and I must here express our gratitude to the present curator of the Replica Museum, 1st Lt. Herbert Adeodatus, USAR, for his consistent willingness to assist us in our ransacking of his files.

6. See Hamilcar Barca, Los Libros del Utopio, Madrid 1943, p. 46-7, for his comment on this entry in the catalogue. Only photostatic copies of the actual catalogue remain, the original having been destroyed in the Spanish Civil War. The language of the work mentioned in this entry was first conclusively argued to be Latin (one scholar had suggested Punic!) in Ludwig Traube, Vorlesungen und Abhandlungen, Munich 1911, 2.146.

7. See John Lennon and Paul McCartney, Nowhere Man, Oxford 1886, for the definitve biography of de la Quesnia. Their conclusions about his wealth and learning are modified, but not undermined, in J.H. Hexter, Ipso facto, quid pro quo, History Today 15 (1949), 43-162.

8. Lennon and McCartney, op. cit., 447-84, tell the story of de la Quesnia's escape. For the bibliogrpahic problems, see E.A. Lowe, Palaeographical Papers, 1907-1965, edited by Ludwig Bieler, Oxford 1972, 2.243-57.

9. Lennon and McCartney, op. cit., 498-514. The evidence of the passenger manifests has been re-examined by R.A.B. Mynors, Nowhere to be Found, Scriptorium 15 (1964), 215-9. Cf. also W. Scheel, Hoch auf dem gelben Unterseeboot, Euphorion 63 (1974), 1-23.

10. R.A. Markus, op. cit., 268-74.

11. Aurelius Augustinus, Confessiones, Madrid 1968, 4.13.20-4.14.21. An earlier, misguided attempt to identify this 'lost' work with an extant manuscript, which in fact turned out to be a letter from Henry VIII to Anne Boleyn, was G. Ladner, How Beautiful! How Fitting!, Speculum 41 (1951), 32-114.

12. Note that it is still absent from Augustine's library at the time of the Retractationes (426/7), and again when Possidius catalogues it (before 438).

13. Cf. the preface to De civitate Dei. The available literary and epigraphic evidence on Hierius has been assembled and judged wisely by A.H.M. Jones, J.R. Martindale and J. Morris, Prosopography of the Later Roman Empire, Oxford 1971, 1.256-7.

14. Once this text has been definitively edited and published, there will be a crying need for a new dictionary of erotic Latin to replace Karl Rambach, Thesaurus eroticus linguae Latinae, Stuttgart 1833.

15. The prurient character of the work also explains how Augustine came to lose track of the work (vid. sup.: aberraverunt a nobis nescio quomodo). In the age before the printing press, the demand for literature which offered maximum titillation and minimum redeeming social value must have been quite intense.

16. At the last moment before going to press, my two colleagues on this project insisted on withdrawing their names from publication.

Notes on Geary, "Translatio S. Ieremiae"

1. The sermons, which I propose to edit at a future date, appear to have been written by a certain Pullusparuus, a monk of St. Médard, and are distinctive in that they all begin Currite, currite ...

2. The references to light and concealment are reechoed in the ninth century treatise of Fredegisus of Tours, De nihilo et tenebris, MGH Epist. Carol. II, 552-5. Max Ahner, Fredigis von Tours. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Philosophie im Mittelalter, Leipzig 1878, is unaware of Fredegisus' dependence on the Vita S. Ieremiae. For an outstanding treatment of this entire subject as well as others too numerous to mention, see my Much Ado about Nothing or The Return of Fredegisus, Spring Hill, Alabama, 1970.

3. Richardus is probably not to be identified with the Richardus of the Vita S. Ieremie, Passio S. Ieremiae, Miracula S. Ieremiae or the Epitome S. Ieremiae. On this other person, see AASS, Dec., IV, 217.

4. The use of populus in precisely this sense has been studied extensively by Herr Jubilar Jeremy Adams himself, in his The Populus of Augustine and Jerome: A Study in the Patristic Sense of Community, New Haven 1971, 74-6. The ultimate origin of this use seems to be in Jerome. To quote Adams: "Jerome used populus frequently in referring to what we would call 'the congregation,' 'the laity' or 'the churches'." (74).

5. The urn was opened on the feast of the saint in the year 1123 and was found to be empty. Far from disproving the account of the translation, this event added further evidence to the strong tradition which links Saint Jermias to the "nowhere man" of Pseudo-Isidore. See, of course, J. Lennon and P. McCartney, Nowhere Man, Oxford 1886, for the untangling of all the issues surrounding this thorny question. Horst Fuhrmann, Einfluss und Verbreitung der pseudoisidorischen Fälschungen von ihrem Auftauchen bis in die neuere Zeit (MGH Schriften 24), 3 vols., Stuttgart 1972-4, unaccountably fails to discuss the "nowhere man".

Notes on Roberts, "Alcuin: Hippo or Human?"

1. Charlemagne: A Psychosexual Study, Utrecht 1969.

2. Ferkel-Kaninchen of course is attacking such scholars as Hildegard Hippo (on whose article in the National Hippopotamus more is said the the last paragraph of this note) and Nils Nilpferd, whose two articles appeared in Nilotische Studien 77 (1948), 333-444, and Jahrbücher für Nilpferdstudien 11 (1950), 123-456. He is of course firmly in the tradition of scholars who reject hippodom not only for Alcuin but for Potamo da Potami and Martin Luther as well. On Potamo da Potami, see P.O. Kristeller, Potamo da Potami: Aristotelian, Platonic and Nilotic Strains, Mirabilia 24 (1947), 11-43, Norman O. Brown, Nile and Soul, New York 1970, and of course Rosamund Tuve, Potamo da Potami and the Expulsion of the Horrid Hippo, Ecstasy 69 (1961), 20-35. On Luther see especially Roland Bainton, Martin Luther: Humanist and Hippo? A Note, Studies for the Crystallization of all Truth [henceforth SCAT] 33 (1967), 242-71. On hippos in general, see Marc Bloch, Hippos and Hierarchy, Marseille 1950 (German tr. 1955 Ein Hippo zum Heiraten), and Mary Renault, The Young Hippopotamus, New York 1970.

3. Ms. Furchtbar's criticism appears in her review of Ferkel-Kaninchen's work in SCAT 36 (1970), 263-4.

4. A full account by Libidine of his adventures at St. Gallen appears in Tough magazine, no. 371, April 1972, although there are portions of his article which I could not recommend to the general reader.

5. On the philological problems of HERMAN and MELVIN see esp. L. Vreuiowersdfall, Il swertyiop wpoiur HERMAN slurd MELVIN tyop vren Gallen moxterwalv sprytnuik, Studies in Honor of Alfred E. Neuman, New York 1973, 24-62. Cf. the author's translation of his own work into German, Il swertziop wpoiur HERMAN slurd MELVIN tzop vren Gallen moxterwalv sprztnuik, in: O. Walkes (ed.), Ottonische Studien. Festgabe zum zehnjährigen Bestehen des humanistischen Gymnasiums zu Emden, Emden 1974, 38-71.

6. The quotation is from R.M. Nixon, Persecution, Prosecution and the Need to Confess ([place of writing and publication altogether obscure] 1976).

Notes on Ball, "Cruikshank Manuscript"

1. Ballard and Rusher, eds., The Collected Letters of Hassan IV of Cordova, Liverpool 1923.

2. A translation of the transcribed Latin portion of the text is omitted in regard of the sensibility and good taste of the reader.

3. It is, of course, possible that the entire manuscript was written in translitterated Latin, since only the first folio exists today, but this is considered unlikely, since the phrase metatarsalus coniungitur seems to have become proverbial among Arabian physicians. For instance, it appears frequently at the top of a number of broadsides published in Granada in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, the contents of which relate to meetings of physicians.

4. This, indeed, seems to have been the most common of ibn Rushd's prescriptions, comprising some 95% of them.

5. See J. Lennon and P. McCartney, Nowhere Man, Oxford 1886, 348ff. for a discussion of the evidence. It is clear that the manuscript had disappeared before the catalogue of Utopius de la Quesnia's library (cf. Hamilcar Barca, Los Libros del Utopio, Madrid 1943, 34f.) was made in the sixteenth century.

6. PRO, E199/297/2 m 1 details the sheriffs' and the hangman's expenses. See also PRO, E364/390 m 6-6d.

7. This catalogue has been printed in the Rolls Series, XXIV/33, pp. 84-93, under the editorial direction of Stubbs. But cf. Hexter's masterful refutation of Stubb's long-winded assertion of Francis Bacon's authorship: J.H. Hexter, The Anatomy of Bacon, Speculum (dietary supplement) 13 (1949), 12-45.

8. Christopher Hill, Counterrevolutionary Circles, Traditio 2 (1952), 59-71, discusses this "Monday Night Circle" in Marxist terms, but his conclusions have been refuted by Windham Lewis' recent discovery of a letter of Horace Walpole, begging entry for himself and a young gentleman of his acquaintance. See W. Lewis, The Radiance of the Circle, History Today 16 (1972), 18-50.

9. Her acquaintance with Arab manuscripts seems to have been limited.

10. For a masterful discussion of the thorny issues involved here, see George M. Cohan, Over There, Journal of the Huntin', Shootin' and Fishin' Society of Westminster (Archaeological and Historical Section) 25 (1917), 76-109.

Notes on Matter, "Saint Salome"

* Dieser Hinweis auf den 'jüngsten' Aufruf Papst Pauls VI. lässt auf das Entstehungsdatum des Manuskripts zurückschliessen. Damit ist aber lange nicht gesagt, dass der Beitrag veraltet ist, zumal der gegenwärtige Apostolische Vater, Johannes Paul II., dessen Marienverehrung ausser Zweifel steht, sicherlich dem Aufruf seines Amtsvorgängers aus vollem Herzen zustimmen würde [Anm. d. Red. 1995].

1. There is, of course, some scholarly debate on the nature of this platter. Might it not have been an alloy? What would the effect of jewel encrusting have been? See Art. Metallurgy in the Encyclopedia Brittanica, 1911 edition.

2. It may be of interest to note that in a parallel passage (Mark 10:35) the kids speak for themselves on this issue. Some work might be profitably done on the Matthean vision of motherhood.

3. An admittedly personal judgement.

4. This very point is disputed by the great Carolingean theologians Radbertus and Ratramnus in their well-known and extremely important controversy over the virginitas in partu.

5. Tischendorf, Evangelia apochrypha, 75.

6. Ibid.

7. Ibid., 76.

8. Ernest Klein, A Comprehensive Etymological Dictionary of the English Language, v. 2.

9. Perhaps his mother's wanderings in southern Europe gave St. James the idea for his famous trek to Galicia.

10. But who ever knows about these things?

11. Used in the scholastic sense? Note the date.

12. I am personally more comfortable with this term than with the one used above.

13. The last possible day he could assign. This is related in Baring-Gould, Lives of the Saints, July 11.

14. National Geographic World Atlas, 39, F-7.

15. Gesenius, Hebrew-English Lexicon.

16. St. Alphonsus Liguori, The Glories of Mary, 362.

Notes on Rutledge, "Walter Map, Master Weaver"

1. The evidence for Walter Map as the real author of the Vulgate Cycle was given in a study by Dilys Ffrench-Birbane, There was no Pseudo-Walter, Romance Philology 100 (1965), 2-5.

2. de Frap, Untangling the Lancelot, PMLA 23 (1899), 46-75.

3. Ibid., 60.

4. This very important perception is found in the thought- provoking studies on the Lancelot by Vinelever, The Prose Lancelot: Mingled Yarn, Cambridge (Mass.) 1973, 65.

5. The duplication of Eleanor's tapestries, a five-year project, has been undertaken by the junior fellows of the Institute for the Study of Medieval Intra-cultural Correspondences under a joint grant from the Metropolitan Museum--The Cloisters and the Eliza van Wyck Fund sponsored by Wamsutta Mills, Ltd.