-=  Facta & Verba  =-

Commentary Cons. Phil. Book 2 Metrum 2

Metrum 2

Mankind is reproached (still in Fortune's words) for a greed insatiable by any riches.

Meter: Asclepiad (glyconic internally compounded with a choriamb [ - u u -]) alternating with pherecratic:

line 1
Si: take with fundat . . . nec retrahat . . . Copia (lines 5-6).
quantas: quantas . . . quot: correlative with tantas (l. 5).

line 3
quot: quantas . . . quot: correlative with tantas (l. 5).

line 6
Copia: "Plenty"; the image of the cornucopia goes back to earliest Latin literature.

line 7
ideo: "for that reason."

line 8
cesset flere querelas: "would cease to weep out its laments."

line 10
prodigus: "lavish," governs genitive.

line 12
nil iam parta uidentur: (parta < pario) "Things that have already been gained seem as nothing."

line 13
quaesita: accusative plural neuter, "that which is sought-for."

line 16
retentent: "hold fast, keep back"; potential subjunctive.

line 17
cum potius: "when instead [of the restraints mentioned in line 15]."

line 18
sitis: "thirst."

line 19
diues agit: "is rich"; ago here = sum or uiuo.

-=  Facta & Verba  =-