About the electronic Boethius: Consolatio Philosophiae

This machine-readable text was created by James O'Donnell, University of Pennsylvania, and converted to TEI-conformant markup by David Seaman, Kelly Tetterton, and Monique Dull at the University of Virginia Library Electronic Text Center.

The print source is Boethius' Consolatio Philosophiae, edited, with a Commentary, by James J. O'Donnell. 2nd edition. Bryn Mawr College: Bryn Mawr, PA, 1990. Series: Bryn Mawr Latin Commentaries, edited by Julia Haig Gaisser and James J. O'Donnell.

The Latin text follows that of G. Weinberger (Vienna, 1935, volume 67 in the series Corpus Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Latinorum): but the match is imperfect because the e-file was created in the image of a different edition. (Anyone working on this text should have a copy of Weinberger handy).

Some differences to observe:

--this text always uses -u- and never -v-.

--this text uses many fewer capital letters than Weinberger.

--the punctuation here may differ from Weinberger

The natural units of the Latin text are "prosae" and "metra", proses and verses. That is the source of the numbering system, where 3M5 is book 3, metrum 5. Metra are divided by lines and numbered, prosae are divided by short sections and numbered accordingly; these are the basis of reference in the commentary and must be respected and retained.

Acknowledgements page from the print edition.