AE 1933, 234-5:


ARTHU LAILAM SEMESE[I]LAM AEEIOYO BACHUCH BAKAXICHUCH MENE BAICHUCH ABRASAX BAZABACHUCH MENE BAICHUCH ABRASAX Lord Gods, restrain and hinder the Falernian baths, lest anyone should be able to approach that place; bind and bind up the Falernian baths from this day, lest any person should approach that place.

ARTHU LAILAM SEMESEILAM AE[EIOUO BACH]UCH BAKAXICHUCH MENEBAICHUCH ABRASAX BAZABACHUCH [ME]NEBAICHUCH ABRASAX Lord Gods restrain and hinder the Falernian baths, lest any person go there to bathe; bind the Falernian baths from this day, bind and bind up the Falernian baths, lest anyone be able to go to that place from this day. (trans. J. Gager (1992), no. 82)