Scenes of Madauros/Mdaourouch

This page comprises images taken on the archaeological site of ancient Madauros, near modern Mdaourouch, Algeria. The city's most famous son was Apuleius, while Augustine reports in Book 2 of his Confessions that he attended "grammar school" there (on the educational system of Africa, see K. Vössing, Schule und Bildung in Nordafrika der römischen Kaiserzeit [1997]).

These first images all come fom the secular ruins at Madauros.

Four images from the ancient baths at Madauros (redone in Byzantine times?)

The whole site at Madauros is in pristine condition in a spectacular landscape

The Byzantine fortress at Madauros, built surrounding the ancient odeon.

The ancient odeon at Madauros.

Christian basilia at Madauros