Neuropathology Cases from the DHMC Files

The following cases are modelled after the great collection of cases reported online at Brain Pathology ( Displayed on this site are interesting neuropathology cases presented for teaching purposes from the Dartmouth Medical School Department of Pathology. I'd also like to acknowledge Dr. John Woosley from UNC for showing me how to put together the interactive format cases and for providing the template. For Dartmouth folks that would like to contribute a case just contact Dr. Brent Harris to discuss the case.


Case 1: Fall, 2004 -- 50 y.o. woman with new onset facial weakness, recent headaches found to have an enhancing, 3 cm frontal lobe lesion on MRI.

Case 2: Winter, 2005 -- 77 y.o. man and 70 y.o. brother with insidious onset of paresthesias and hypesthesias of the lower extremities.

Case 3: Summer, 2005 -- 58 y.o. man with remote histroy of esophageal cancer presents with acute onset pasesthesias, nausea, and somnolence.

Case 4: Winter, 2006 -- 40 y.o. woman with progressively worsening headaches.

New Format of interactive cases

Neuropath Exercise 1 -- 48 y.o man presenting with recent onset of headaches and diplopia (prepared by J. Grudem, Dept of Neurology and B. Harris)

Neuropath Exercise 2 -- 72 yo woman with 2 month history of progressive headaches (prepared by M. Wheeler, DMS Class of 2008 and B. Harris).











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